Thursday, January 9, 2014

25 months, 7 months

Enjoying life with two nuggets.  It is undoubtedly a very hard task being responsible for these little people all the time, but it is amazing all the same.  Recently we've had some huge milestones I'd like to record for myself more than anything.
6 months- started crawling
6 months and 1 week- began sitting well unsupported
(I KNOW-she crawled before sitting...not fair.)
Almost 7 months- began pulling herself up onto furniture and steps
7.5 months- holding onto things with just one hand/eating lots of different pureed baby foods, likes gnawing on pretzel sticks and toast

24 months-finally will eat macaroni and cheese (right?!)
25 months- moved to toddler bed, kept getting hurt climbing out of his crib/doing much better with his speech, constantly refers to himself as Wyatt, which actually sounds like he is saying "Diet", pretty funny.  

As for mom and dad, we are well.  As close as ever, even closer really.  Ups and downs of parenting have their way of either drawing you closer or tearing a relationship down.  I'm thankful that we are learning patience and grace and to just not sweat the little things.  For example, Ruby had the most awful diaper rash you've ever seen in your life, seriously, for about a week.  It was a yeast infection on top of diaper rash.  I would upload a picture but that is not something I want the world seeing.  (yes i took pictures, but only so I could tell day by day if it was improving), one of the cures for this rash is to let the child remain diaper-less as much as possible.  I have news for you, with a crawler that has diarrhea (hence, the diaper rash), this is no easy task, but I HAD to do it.  Going around cleaning up poo and pee and spit up (yes she still spits up like a little monster too), was not my idea of an enjoyable week, but I got to where if she peed on the carpet I was like "oh well! I've got bigger problems."  These challenges tend to make me realize that stupid little stuff is not worth getting upset over.  Like my mother told me over the holidays, life is too short, "Just give them a doughnut."  That has become the joke around here...I am not exactly following that advice, just for the record, but the point is, that during times where I could easily get upset or aggravated or disappointed, or frazzled, or fill in the blank____, In my head, I think about what she said, "Just give them a doughnut!" Which I translate into letting the little things go and make things easier on myself as a mom sometimes.  My biggest battle right now is the nap fiasco.  Wyatt isn't napping well in the toddler bed.  We have to lock him in his room (go ahead and judge me, I don't care.) We do this at bedtime and at nap.  Bedtime, he will cry for like 10 seconds at his door, but then he gets in bed and stays all night...(of course his door is still locked so he couldn't leave his room even if he tried...we DO have a video monitor so cool your jets), nap times, however, are a struggle but I'm trying to just give it enough time and not give up!  Speaking of which, it is a miracle I was able to record even this much (I'm a fast typer), because he is already screaming in his's 2:16 pm.  I usually can get closer til 2:30 before the monster rears his ugly head...errrr...I mean, My precious toddler, love bug, monkey boy, Wyatt-bear.  

Must go,

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