Thursday, July 19, 2012

On the move!

That sweet face is always getting into something!  Month 8- cutting first two teeth at last! Notice the amber teething necklace?  So cute...supposed to help soothe and calm fussy babies suffering from teething pain...maybe the ancient Egyptians were on to something?? Eh- I'll try anything once, assuming it is non narcotic and non invasive!!

I feel like I am looking straight into his daddy's eyes in this picture.  Definitely a GOOD thing!!  Love him.

I realize I do not have many pictures of myself with Wyatt...I should probably change that or I will look back and have none!!  You all will just have to deal with the braces...I look like teen mom.  I assure I am not, I am going to be 29 next month...SAY WHAT?!  When did that happen?  Oh well, life is good.  

Looking forward to many friends who are expecting babies this fall and early 2013...such a fun and blessed time in our lives.  Wyatt still is not really feeding himself yet...working on that one, but when he does eat he loves everything!  He is loving my quinoa in the crock pot medley and he also loves salmon burgers crumbled up with black beans.  He's a good little eater, hope he stays that way!  Other highlights from the summer would be the fact that he loves the water, he loves crawling into the kitchen and grabbing onto only my shorts and standing- scares mommy to death knowing that all that is holding him up is a thin piece of fabric!!  This phase has created a few bumps and bruises, I'm sure that will only get worse as we approach toddler-hood! So our cute living room will probably just look like a day care center for the next few....well probably years! 

I am enjoying getting back into my own skin since I stopped nursing almost a month ago...I signed up for a half marathon in the end of October!  Looking forward to that, I guess I should start training?!  It is a halloween theme race and I will be needing a costume...Mom is going to do it as well and probably a couple of friends.  Costume ideas?  Mom was thinking we go as Super Girl and Wonder Woman.  I like it.  More updates to come!  Cheers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

8 months of WOW!

Little man started crawling around 7 7.5 months he has been pulling himself up and attempting to stand on his own like a crazy man.  He turned 8 months on the 4th of July and he's cruisin' around the house just pulling up on everything he can get his hands on.  We spent some time in Ponte Vedra over the 4th of July, and we celebrated Curran's 1st birthday, (which is actually the 10th of July).  Here are some fun photos from our time at the beach :)  These first few pictures are of Wyatt at home from about 6.5 months til now.  
Little buddy sits with me in the kitchen and plays with his alphabet (by play, I mean he slams it on the ground haha), Thanks for the great toy, Aunt Erika.  

Wyatt got a boat load of hand me down toys from his older cousins, Brody and Ryan.  Boy was he spoiled!!!  This is his current favorite!

Since I stopped nursing things have been good- he has his first runny nose in months, so I'm trying not to beat myself up over that and get him well soon!  I also started adding oatmeal to his bottle to help with the spit up- which the GI doc has actually been helping quite a bit.  He still spits more than the average baby I'm sure but I'll take any improvement!

My little helper.

One of the highlights of the summer was a visit from our friends, the Petersen's.  We met three years ago in Key West when we all stayed at the same bed and breakfast for vacation.  They are from Denmark and visit the US often, which is great because this is the second summer they have been in Florida and visited us!!  Viktor and Nikoline are 4 and 2, Wyatt had so much fun with them.  

Wyatt has a Danish girlfriend, she's a cutie :)

Off to Ponte Vedra!  So I started off my trip by going to my 10 year high school reunion.  That was an absolute blast- unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures :(  However, a good time was had by all and I enjoyed seeing people I literally grew up with since Kindergarten.  Then it was a beach and family filled week.  Wyatt had a blast getting to play with his cousins for a week.  He enjoyed tearing through Isabelle and Curran's play room.  

Always on the hunt for something he can grab a hold of.

Mr. cutie pants showing off

On the move.

Attacking the camera!  Love this picture of his sweet face.

Curran a.k.a. Mini Jeff
Running like a mad man through the house.  He is so funny how he just keeps walking or running looking for something to get into. (especially the toilet haha)

Beach boys and their snacks.

Curran likes to steal Wyatt's snacks.  Give Wyatt a few more months to catch up and it'll be on!

Mom (Mimi) just moved across the street from the beach into a condo, sweet for us!!  We took this beauty of a stroller across the street and parked it under a tailgate tent for the 4th of July.  Then Mimi took the boys back to the condo for naps and we got to enjoy some chill time on the beach without the babies!

Down at the pool before dinner.  These kiddos are little fish.

Especially this one.  She's a little cutie and swims all day.

Mimi enjoys the "pool lifestyle"

In he goes!

Love these two to pieces.  Such cuties, and enjoyed the pool on a hot day.

Jeff and Curran practicing his moves in the pool, he's such a strong boy!

Hangin' on the screened in porch after pool and bath time.

Mom's new place has quite a view- from the front porch we could see the fireworks at the Ponte Vedra Club and from the back porch we could see the fireworks at TPC at Sawgrass.  Pretty blessed we are.

Cousin cuddle-time.

Look out!

Birthday boy to the rescue!!

Pre-Smash cake photo.

Singing "happy birthday," Curran doesn't seem to know what is going on!!!

Daddy helping blow out the candle.

First he almost started to cry  because the icing was all over his hand- and then he TASTED IT! and immediately he smiled and started making his cave man noises that mean give me more!!

The finished product.  Super man was whisked off to the bath tub!!  Excellent first Smash cake experience I'd say.  

(thinking nobody is watching) Miss priss stayed busy by the cake.

Time for gifts!  Curran got a tunnel and a few different riding toys and balls etc.  

Home at last after a long week of fun.  Love my fam and PVB but love being home :)