Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wyatt 10 Months...catching up.

I'm getting caught up...Wyatt is getting close to turning 1, however I have not updated the blog since he turned 10 months!!  So these photos are from the last couple months.  My little superman has made leaps and bounds these last 60 days or so.  From mastering the sippy cup, taking steps, babbling lots of sounds, mamamama dadadada, geegeegeegee, ca, (trying to say "Cat"), he is obsessed with Aspen, unfortunately she doesn't tolerate him much yet.  

Scootin' around in his Auburn sneakers is pretty cute.

Working on walking walking walking!  He's been taking steps since he was about 9 months, but wasn't walking on his own until just the last couple of weeks...(11months)

Love those cheeks, my little monkey boy.

Always interested in what mommy is doing.

Barley has got to be the most tolerant animal on the planet.  He loves this little boy.

Kisses even though it looks like Wyatt is about to pull his hair all the way back!
(This was a rare moment caught on camera- we do not encourage the licking of the face...haha)

Naturally, he thinks the crate is way fun. In and out, in and out, open and close, open and with all the other doors and cabinets in the least the ones that aren't locked.

Wyatt has also been taking some different formula the last month or so....If you recall, he's had major tummy issues and since the beginning had to be off dairy products.  He has started eating yogurt, (soy, greek, and regular) and is now taking Similac Sensitive in his bottle..HOORAY!  It is so much less expensive and I am happy that hopefully he will be able to try cow's milk in a couple of weeks.  Praying that he has outgrown all this madness!!  
Thanks for staying posted...We've got the 1 year coming up soon!