Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Precious Year

It is hard to sum up into only one post what this year has meant to us...and to me, as a first time mom.  Thankfully- I have previous posts which I can look back on to remind me of all the sweet little things that are so easily forgotten.  Wyatt is one....I still can't believe it.  It feels like he was just a teeny tiny little newborn swaddled in my arms.  Now he is a strong, gorgeous, smart, and sweet little boy.  His personality is definitely starting to show more the older he gets.  He is lovey, and sometimes a little sensitive.  When I have to discipline him with a firm "NO!" or "Not safe!" or "NONONONONO!" He stops what he is doing (usually), and gets this shameful look on his face, runs to me and cries.  He does not like doing things that upset mommy, and especially daddy.  I'm hoping this personality trait will be helpful as we approach the toddler stage/tantrums etc.  I have attached a ton of photos to this post because the last month or two have flown by- The first few are from our photo shoot with Samantha Wacker, which we did a week before Wyatt's first birthday.

Wyatt had some quality time with all of his cousins the last few weeks.  We visited Hilton Head Island for a wedding in mid October and Wyatt had his first overnight stay!  He stayed with Mimi in Ponte Vedra and had some QT with Curran and Isabelle.  Then the cousins came down to visit for Wyatt's first birthday.  We had a family celebration here at the house.  This was the day before Wyatt's birthday, he and Curran having fun in the bath tub.  They are only 4 months apart so now that Wyatt is walking they are really starting to buddy up.

This is a random picture of me from when I was around Wyatt's age.  He definitely looks so much like his daddy, but I slipped this in there just for all of you who see NO resemblance in mommy and Wyatt...He definitely has my shape!  My head and even his body looks kinda like mine- maybe he's a little chunkier :)  And obviously the bald factor helps!

We have started visiting parks and letting little man explore.

Wyatt started walking right at 11 months.  Around 10 months he started taking steps and standing freely on his own, but then he scaled it back for about a month and suddenly just took off!  So by first birthday he was all over the place! He loves going in and out the sliding glass door from the living room to the porch.  He is so funny and picks up the broom and drags it around on the porch.  It amazes me what he is already able to do.  I truly believe he is very smart and coordinated...maybe I'm biased..

We had the pleasure of visiting Brody and Ryan for their 2nd birthday party.  Wyatt donned his Auburn jersey- we won't talk about the season-but in any weather....we are still fans and alumni and will rock our colors. 
At the birthday party he had his first corn dog.  LOVED IT!

More pics of cousin time, Isabelle will be 5 this December, Can't believe it!

These two cuties, Ryan and Brody- so amazing watching them grow as well.  Their birthday is the day before Wyatt's.  We missed their first birthday last year because I was in the hospital- my water broke on their birthday!  They have been so helpful with wisdom, experience, hand me downs, etc, we are very blessed by the older Hulling cousins, and their mommy and daddy :)

We are so thankful to everyone who came to celebrate Wyatt's birthday, and to the family that so thoughtfully mailed cards and gifts!  He is so blessed-as are we.

So the smash cake portion of the party didn't go so a few words, I had my most epic fail moment as a first time mom ever!  I had made him a cute little small cake with blue frosting, and he had a "1" candle in it.   We sang happy birthday, I blew the candle out, placed the cake on his high chair, and he swiftly reached for the candle on top of the cake before I had the chance to grab it....BAD MOMMY!  It was no longer lit, but still hot.  His little hand retracted quickly and I could see the tears welling up in his little eyes...then....the silence...followed by complete devastation!  Oh well- thankfully he was not burned, think it just hurt at first and really scared him.  So that was that! It was awful and I felt like I ruined his birthday..but I realized later that in the grand scheme of things, it's not important that he even have cake on his first birthday.  Unfortunately I will always remember that!  Oh well- you live and learn.  So the following morning we let Wyatt play with one of the leftover cupcakes from his party. He wasn't that enthused about it either, but he at least played with it a little. 

He LOVES his little Mickey Mouse buggy.  It plays music and makes all kinds of cool noises.  We push him around the house in it and even take it out in the driveway.  Thanks G-Daddy and BG.  

I'd call it a successful first birthday.  We had lots of family here, good food, amazing gifts that we are so thankful for, and fun memories we will always cherish.  

This isn't very easy to read- didn't come out so well when transferred.  He had his one year well check this morning and other than the awful shots and crying..he was very brave but let's be honest- the one year shots do not feel good!  He weighs 22 lbs and is 31 inches long.  He is kind of a tall little lean guy.  He is drinking whole milk now- which is a huge relief after the first several months of his life having a strong intolerance for dairy.  He is down to two bottles a day, just the morning and bedtime.  Other than that he drinks water from the sippy cup and he likes to drink his milk and smoothies through a straw cup.  He loves meat, especially crockpot style- nice and soft and shredded.  He also adores meatballs.  He is a little picky about textures at this point so we are a work in progress.  He loves salmon and my roasted vegetables and quinoa.  On the whole, he is a great eater.  It definitely requires patience and perseverance to get him to gradually eat more and more things.  Babywise books have been very helpful with scheduling, waketime, naptime, bedtime, and tips for making him and myself a successful team.  I am so blessed and thankful that I am able to be home with him all the time.  It is truly a rare privilege these days.  
He also has been doing some major babbling, developing his own little language.  His first sounds were mamamamamama-of course :)  Then daddadadada, now he says yayayaya, among other funny noises, and gets really excited when he sees the cat!  He gets this loud, high pitched excited noise that he pretty much only makes when he sees her.  It's so funny.  He tries to say "cat", it sounds like "ca ca cah". He points to cat in his books and puzzles too.  Like I said- I like to believe my kid is smart :)  Thanks for taking the time to read through some of Wyatt's milestones.  We are so blessed by him being part of our lives every moment of every day.  It is fun watching him grow and explore his little world.  
Love bug-snuggle bear-wy wy- boogies
Some of his nick names, at least the most popular at this a few months when we reach full blown toddler-ism, they might not be so endearing...JUST KIDDING!  
Love him, Love you all.