Monday, December 23, 2013

Wyatt 2, Ruby 7 months

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It is amazing how quickly time is passing.  I am blown away at what both of my children are learning and doing each and every day.  (Perhaps that is why I'm exhausted all the time..?), time for rest later in is not that time!  Ruby is the strongest little girl I've ever seen.  She began rolling over at 3.5 months, crawling at 6 months, shortly followed by sitting up within the first week or two of turning 6 months.  Now at 7 months, she is pulling herself up onto things and holding on with one hand....WHAT?!  It seems crazy, but she's just trying to keep up with Wyatt I suppose!  Wyatt is in the process of transitioning into his toddler bed, another HUGE milestone that I wasn't quite ready for, but he was ready.  He was aggressively climbing out of his crib ever since we got home from the Disney Cruise last week.  He has a black eye and several bruises on his legs, I'll take some pics...He took some falls needless to say, in his blind rage climbing out of the crib.  It was best for his safety to go ahead and make the move.  I'm way behind on updating so I'm going to bombard my page with photos, and unfortunately they're not exactly in chronological order, I'm doing this as quickly as I can while I have a minute to myself so this will have to do for now!

Had a visit from all the cousins for Wyatt and Ruby's dedication at our church a few weekends ago. The kids had so much fun!  

OH and by the way, Auburn is playing for the national title in a couple weeks?!  

Ruby's first wagon ride.

Getting a close up look at the gingerbread man pillow on our hearth.  She's so strong! 6.5 months in this pic.

Bon Voyage on the family reunion Disney Dream!  4 nights on the cruise, it was crazy and fun!

Nothing like a good veranda in your room to air everything out!!

More cruise pics...

3 generations

Unfortunately I think this is the best family photo we got...I think we need to do better.

Just hanging out on the top deck.

My little model, happy girl.

Definitely was cute seeing her bounce around on daddy all day, they are a fun little pair!

Love my niece, Isabelle.  She had a blast!!

Wyatt and Curran's first pina coladas!  I'm pretty sure Wyatt didn't take his mouth off the straw for about five minutes straight!

If only everybody could have stayed awake for pirate night! At least we got a cute pic!

Wyatt meets Jake!

Wyatt and daddy putting the toddler rail on and removing side of his crib this weekend.

Pics of the final result.  We left a twin mattress on the floor in his room along with his toddler bed.  I think he's going to adjust quickly.  Please God!  His first night went better than expected.  It did take quite a while to get him to go to sleep, but once he did, he stayed in his bed until morning!  He woke up a little early and tried to come out of his room but we are mean and keep his door locked.  It's safer to not take chances on him roaming the house in the middle of the night.  Naps this weekend haven't happened...because he just isn't used to his bed yet, so fingers crossed that today he will take a nap.  I'll probably have to lock him in his room....
We are just so proud of him, It is hard to watch them grow up because you want them to stay small and sweet forever on one side of the coin, but on the other hand it is so rewarding to see my little boy accomplish such great things!!  We rewarded him this morning with an early Christmas present since we are only two days away.  He got a  Buzz Lightyear plush toy to take in his bed with him.  He seemed really excited and we are doing our best to positively reinforce his accomplishment sleeping in the toddler bed.  

This pic was taken this morning, Dec. 23, 2013, She turned 7 months old yesterday.  She's a little stud muffin.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My 5 month peanut

I can't believe she is already 5 months (tomorrow), I just can't get enough of her. She is getting up onto her hands and knees as of the last few days! She is growing and thriving every day. Won't be long before she is crawling I'm sure.  I love my love bugs to the moon and back and treasure every day them.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rubys first food!

My baby girl was so funny tonight trying peas for the first time. She is such a sweet and easy going baby we are so blessed! She is almost 5 months old now. Every day is better and better. Wyatt has started to pay more attention to her now that she is laughing and cooing more each day. Life is so good!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ruby 4 months.

On our way to meet Hughes Elizabeth Whitaker born Sept 30th 2013. Just Ruby and me making the trip this time while the boys stayed home. Ruby had as great time visiting with her cousins.

First few months with our Princess!

I may not have selected this picture to be at the top of this post, but that is just how it happened as I was uploading I"m thinking it is just perfect haha.  This guy has been a rock star (stressed and ridiculous at times, but who isn't with two children under the age of 2 in our house), but he has just lifted me up in so many ways in caring for this family.  To start, we've made "pizza night" (almost) a weekly tradition...some weekends are crazy so it doesn't get done, but every other week or so we've been showing Wyatt how to make his own pizza and it is such a fun, sweet, mess!  I'm pretty sure Nick was dancing to the "Hot dog song."  If you have a toddler, you know what that is. 

It's amazing how just a pile of flour can keep this almost-2 year old busy for a solid half's bliss.

Ever since Ruby entered the world, Nick and Wyatt have made an even stronger bond, and largely because my time is more divided now as they both have immediate needs still at these ages.  They get up in the morning and snuggle on the couch while I get breakfast ready and feed Ruby.  We are working towards the "well-oiled machine" status again...I like things that way. 

Ruby at 3 months, so strong! Eyes are still blue...hoping they stay that way!!  Can't believe I will have had 2 children with blue eyes, cool. 

I have been told, "The bigger the bow, the better the mama!" - I am up for that challenge. 

This portion is mainly for me...because I will FORGET, those little important things as far as daytime scheduling and routine in the event we ever have a 3rd child, this is for my future self..first of all, 
1. Re-read all the babywise books
2. Set up the play pen from day one and get baby used to doing play pen/blanket time
3. Use the kitchen timer during baby's waketime activities...when time is up, mommy shows up.  (This is to prevent the baby from constantly crying/whining to get what she wants.)  I didn't do this with Wyatt because I hadn't gotten far enough in the books yet....(Refer back to number 1.)

Enough of the boring stuff..Here's my baby girl just chilling.  She is so easy going, such a blessing.  Any of you who know or remember, Wyatt was tough as an infant, simply because of his feeding issues, colic, reflux, MASSIVE spit up everywhere 24/7, etc.  He is my prince, no doubt about that, but he was definitely more stressful at this miss Ruby-cool-as-a-cucumber-Kate Hulling is the perfect little princess.

She smiles with her whole body it seems.  She just delights in everyone!

Having play pen time.

Having blanket time.

This was their first bath together....Wouldn't be a big brother without dumping water on Ruby's head...haha.  We aren't bathing them together too much yet simply because Ruby really enjoys her baths and so does Wyatt and until she can sit up on her own with him we will probably keep them separate.  

Ruby is 4.5 months old now, has been sleeping like a champ, we've worked through her gas issues the last month or so and she is doing great.  I am so thankful for my 2 precious peanuts.  There is so much more to update on but this is at least a good start...more to come.  