Monday, March 25, 2013


Quick post- just to jot down a few things that have been on my mind lately...
"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

I can relate this to just about any area of my life...whether that be in marriage, parenting, friendships, family relationships, financial provision, etc...There are few things that give such great joy than giving to someone in need, right?  I just love that after God instructs us to give cheerfully and bountifully, he will make us overly sufficient in ALL THINGS AT ALL TIMES, so that we may abound in good work! I like the idea of being sufficiently provided for in all areas of my life, amen! My memo to myself is to sow, sow, sow- into all the areas of my life that require nurturing, energy, and sometimes exhaustive degrees of patience!  The Lord will satisfy all our needs and we will reap "bountifully"...I got curious and looked up this word for other adjectives..."abundance, plentiful, generous, etc." all were listed.  What a blessing to live in abundance in such times where there is so much struggle and difficulty in the world?  That's it for now.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

To my future self.

16 months old/30 weeks pregnant

This is a shout out to my future self....THIS AGE HAS BEEN HARD!!! Maybe two baby Hullings is enough???! Perhaps the watermelon in my tummy isn't helping my energy levels and overall stamina, but man- I just keep telling myself over and over that this is going to pass.  It all started with the one year molars, then followed by flu season and the unstoppable sniffles and low grade fevers/fussy times, then throw in some incisors (which have been the worst teeth so far, in our experience), toss in a sinus infection (Wyatt, not me) and 14 days of antibiotics (currently on day 12), which he has now probably picked up a virus, due to the lack of immune system (thanks antibiotics), because all week has been fevers, irritability, and literally I cannot put the child down.  I'm sure I'm burning in all the stay at home mommies ears- because we all go through it. We have had lots of sweet snuggles and it is sweet how much he needs and loves me, but seriously- it is so draining!!  I just want you to play, Wyatt! RUN-PLAY-show interest in anything other than being held and whining whining whining!!  I hear that the first can be the toughest because they constantly need your attention with the lack of siblings around.  We got out of the house this morning and tried the open gym at BSAC- he had a good time there- still more fatigued than usual from the fevers but had fun- I also signed him up for swim lessons starting next Friday.  It is a parent/tot class, should be lots of fun.  I'll be the moose in the maternity suit plopped into the kiddie pool.

 Just attempted a play date/ lunch at a local bbq spot ( Jaymer-Q's) that has a kids play area- usually a HIT with the boys- my girlfriend has a son Wyatt's age, and also a 4 year old and they usually have a ball!  However- Wyatt and Sam seemed to be of the same temperament today..going through some of the same whiny mess that is natural at this age I a way I was comforted that it isn't me, and that this is just a tough stage for some tots!  We are thrilled number two is on the way- this is going to be a very tiring season but such a BLESSING!  Not only do we get to cuddle and squeeze a new baby girl, but Wyatt will have a forever friend :)  Sure, my brother and I have beat the crap out of each other a time or two, but deep down there is a bond between us like no other relationship- and that is so special.  My prayer is that Wyatt and Ruby have that connection too.  Weeks like this are the ones where Nick will say, "So we good with two??" and typically I'd give him a vague, "Maybe..."  but after a tiresome few weeks the mommy in me is like "Yeah- two is good." LOL.  All in God's timing...we shall see!  All I know is, we are THRILLED beyond measure to be in an amazing home in a great community, lots of friends, family pretty close by, almost two snuggly, loving, funny, smart, challenging, and beautiful offspring to show for- before our 30th birthdays.  

Megs (your current self.) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 weeks to go!

I, once again, have fallen behind on catching up on this blog.  Such is the life of a toddler mom, especially a seriously pregnant one.  I decided that while I can still comfortably (somewhat) sit at the computer desk and still reach the keyboard, I should update.  In another month, my belly will probably be a bit of an obstruction.   Wyatt is 16 months old.  So hard to believe.

 He is learning new things everyday, although some days feel extremely long.  I think we are in a phase of mommy/daddy clinginess and he really prefers to be held or have one of our's undivided attention at all times..which typically ends up being me, bc I am always with him...It's cute, but def kind of draining!  I have heard this is a peak age for separation anxiety and toddlers feeling secure.  He goes to church nursery twice a week and the gym nursery at least twice a week- so I know he is ok with other people, just wants to be near mom at all times, when we are home.  I also think he is increasingly more ready for a sibling!  He LOVES having other kids around, regardless of the age.
 He just starts chatting up a storm and I can tell he is a very social little boy.  I am trying to get him around other kids as much as I have the energy to do so at this point and still keep my house from falling apart! We are still working on boundaries, yes's and no's, touch's, and don't touch's, making eye contact, and first time obedience.  I have really taken this whole parenting thing as more of a calling than I ever realized.  I truly feel compelled to see that I am raising my child based on biblical principles, with the help of girlfriends at church, and other wonderful resources I'd be happy to share if any of you are interested.  It gets exhausting constantly working on these things day in and day out but I am beginning to see the fruit of our labor.  Wyatt is responding to me almost every time I use his name as a command, he listens to instructions more than 50 % of the time...which apparently is really good at this age...), and is just overall a very loving, secure, and affectionate child.  I think he knows that I have his best interests in mind.  I am recording this more for myself than for any of you, just so you don't think I am trying to brag or anything- afterall he is still a toddler who pushes the boundaries all day...but I want to remember the positives and all the hard work as I move forward onto baby number 2!  I'll finish up this segment with listing the three books that have come highly recommended to me by other mothers in my church- the first of which is Toddlerwise, which obviously I attribute a lot of progress to the entire collection of the "On becoming...wise" books.  As far as routine, boundaries, scheduling a child's day as a stay at home mom, etc.  I will continue reading those as up, "Shepherding a Child's Heart." by Tedd Tripp.  This book is probably counter to a lot of parenting techniques used today, because it is adamant about using God's word as the source for parenting and shepherding our children.  It is extremely useful for any age and I will probably read it again many times....Lastly, "Don't Make Me Count to 3."  By Ginger Powell (I think)....This is a piggy back to Tripp's book on Shepherding.  She emphasizes obedience, especially immediate, first time, obedience.  There is also very helpful information on giving biblical reproof and discipline as a parent, and never acting in anger or losing self control.  I am reading these things in advance hoping I can prevent a lot of things that I'd otherwise be chasing or correcting constantly later on. Ok enough about all that!

(We had a visit from the cousins over Nick's bday fun! Went to Strawberry Festival, played all weekend long- were funny in their superman tighty whities!)

Let's get onto a more fun topic, baby number 2!  Most of you probably already noticed based on a few facebook posts or you are already close friends who knew the name we had selected for her.  If you haven't heard already, our baby girl's name is Ruby Kate and she will be arriving in May.  We will be scheduling a c-section most likely around the 22nd, I will know soon.  I had an emergency C-section with Wyatt, and there is a small chance of VBAC but most likely I will end up having the C-section again.  Not really looking forward to that, but trusting that it won't be as bad as the first time..that's what I keep hearing at least.  The name Ruby first came to me off one of those random baby names sites- and I immediately took fondly to it because it is old fashioned, kind of like Wyatt- and we tend to like those more classic names that haven't been used in a while. It also is a family name. There are a few things that Nick and I have made priorities when selecting a baby's name..1. The name must be easy to spell. 2. The name must be easy to pronounce. 3. The name must be obviously suited to a specific gender, not neutral.  (These are obviously not important to everybody, but they are our name rules!).  I let "Ruby" marinate for a few days before I mentioned it to Nick, I wasn't sure that he would like it being that it is very old fashioned.  I spent some time thinking on it- and one night while reading scripture I came across this passage and it just set me on fire!
"I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires.  I will make your battlements of rubies, and your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones.  All your sons (or daughters) will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children's peace."  Isaiah 54:12-13. 

 Upon reading this, I just had that wave of emotion as a mom- I just knew this was what her name was supposed to be...sounds silly maybe- and I considered that it could be a passing fancy or thought, so we gave it some time.  After many weeks of letting it marinate and even considering other names, this just was it.  So, the full story behind Ruby Kate- her name is a sweet reminder of the majesty of our creator and our protector- He purposefully used "rubies" to describe the splendor and strength of His provision and also used many times in scripture to emphasis the greatness of wisdom, and I love that picture.  She will be dazzling just as the sparkling jewels should be!  We also really liked the fact that Ruby is a family name on my maternal side.  My grandmother, Kate Durham, had an Aunt Ruby.  I met her once as a child before she passed away.  Kate comes from my Nana, mentioned above.  She dazzles and has always been nicely "decorated" in sparkling it just fit!  That about sums it up!  We love that her name has deep historical and spiritual meaning, family heritage, and all the other requirements in a Hulling baby name.  Haha.  

Until next time!  T-10 weeks until C-section.  Pray for me.  Seriously.  HAHA.
